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Our packages

... transform your home. 

DALL·E 2023-11-30 15.37.07 - A highly realistic depiction of a Japandi-style living room w
DALL·E 2023-11-30 15.38.07 - A realistic image of a Japandi-style living room, primarily i

Bronze Comfort 


An affordable entry-level package that includes basic smart home essentials like smart lighting, a smart hub and a single smart speaker.

Includes smart bulbs, a hub, and a home assistant. 

DALL·E 2023-11-30 15.37.07 - A highly realistic depiction of a Japandi-style living room w

Silver Convenience 


A step-up package offering enhanced convenience with smart lighting, a smart speaker and additional items like automated blinds and an integrated smart home hub.

Includes smart bulbs, blind automation, a hub, and a home assistant. 

DALL·E 2023-11-30 15.37.07 - A highly realistic depiction of a Japandi-style living room w

 Gold Automation 


A premium package focused on automation, featuring advanced smart home devices such as automated blinds, smart lights, home assistants, motion sensors, and a smart home hub.

Includes smart bulbs, blind automation, a hub, a home assistant and motion sensors.

DALL·E 2023-11-30 15.37.07 - A highly realistic depiction of a Japandi-style living room w

Platinum Luxury


The ultimate in luxury smart home packages, boasting top-tier devices like automated blinds, smart lights, home assistants, motion sensors and advanced climate control systems for an indulgent living experience.

Includes smart bulbs, blind automation, a hub, a home assistant, motion sensors and a smart heating system.

DALL·E 2023-11-30 15.37.07 - A highly realistic depiction of a Japandi-style living room w



A specialized package focusing on security, featuring automated blinds, smart lights, home assistants, motion sensors, climate control systems and advanced security devices.

Includes smart bulbs, blind automation, a hub, a home assistant, motion sensors, a smart heating system and security devices (cameras, door sensors..)

DALL·E 2023-11-30 15.37.07 - A highly realistic depiction of a Japandi-style living room w



A cutting-edge package for tech enthusiasts, offering the latest in smart home technology with AI-powered home assistants, smart furniture, and integrated home health monitoring systems.

Includes smart bulbs, blind automation, a hub, a home assistant, motion sensors, a smart heating system, security devices (cameras, door sensors..), advanced light strips and a smart TV.

DALL·E 2023-11-30 15.37.07 - A highly realistic depiction of a Japandi-style living room w



An exclusive, high-end package designed for comprehensive home management, including state-of-the-art smart energy solutions, advanced security systems, and premium entertainment technology for the most discerning homeowners.

Includes smart bulbs, blind automation, a hub, a home assistant, motion sensors, a smart heating system, security devices (cameras, door sensors..), advanced light strips, smart TV and powerful sound system.

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